Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy New Year 2011! Turkey & Wild Rice Soup

I roasted a turkey on Sunday.
On Monday I cleaned the meat off and boiled the bones to make a nice stock.
I strained the stock, poured the strained stock back into soup kettle and added 1 onion, 5 cloves garlic, and 1 celery stalk.
I had my husband to chop and add the following:
1 cup of Lundberg's Wild Rice and Brown Rice blend , 8 mushrooms, 1 leek, 1/2 bunch curley kale and allowed to simmer for 3 more hours.
A dash of heavy cream was added and seasonings adjusted and the soup was delicious!
Kale is very high in nutrients and it just melts into the soup, the rices add nice texture. I recommend this soup, and you could substitute swiss chard, but it was not available in any of our town markets, yesterday.